Humankind did not land on the moon overnight. A big part of the success of the mission was the planning. This also applies to today's product developments. Digitalization enables highest efficiency in the entire process chain. But only a few companies have mastered digital requirements management. As a pragmatic specialist in the background, REQUISIS ensures that the parameters of a product development are correctly defined right from the start.
More about requirements engineering

REQUISIS organizes the requirements management for software-intensive systems. Based on the leading tools IBM Rational DOORS, DOORS Next and Polarion. With our own plug-in products we extend the functionality. For complex processes, we put together an individual set of forms, plug-ins and method descriptions. Training offers with tool and method workshops, database admin training and tailor-made software solutions complete the offer.

The most efficient way
We develop all aspects of requirements management with you, find solutions and implement them.
Smooth processes
Experts support you in everyday project life with know-how and practical help.
Good from experience
We are happy to pass on our know-how on topics such as ReqIF, tool customization or DXL scripting to you.
Fit for Tools
Competent professionals train you and your employees in all aspects of requirements management.

Based on the experience with DOORS, REQUISIS has created unique, specialized knowledge about the optimization of processes and the development of software solutions. The collaboration pays off, as it is geared to the entrepreneurial goals of our customers. And it makes us happy because we are a likable team.