
Manage your DNG ReqIF Exports and Imports using requisis_ReqIF-Manager

requisis_ReqIF-Manager is a solution to manage and optimize the ReqIF Exchange Process using IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation. It allows you to create reusable roundtrip configurations for the requirements exchange process with multiple exchange partners and involving modules from different components, if necessary. It also comes with a flexible mapping technology that allows you to keep your DNG data model by mapping the ReqIF artifact types, attributes and enumeration values to your data model. This mapping also allows you to split or merge attribute values.

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picture reqif_manager process


  • Configure and orchestrate round-trips

    • Multiple Components
    • Multiple Partners (e.g. Suppliers)
    • Reusable round-trip configuration (i.e. one configuration for both all exports and imports of the same data)
    • Automatic assignment of ReqIF files to the right dng module and component

  • Overcoming DNG Limitations

    • Concurrent exports/imports are intelligently queued
    • Optimizing and filtering of exported ReqIF file
    • ReqIF scheme check of export results
    • Import is possible even when type system in ReqIf and DNG do not match

  • Automation

    • Creation of ReqIF definitions across the platform
    • Collection of all reqifz files from across the platform
    • Creation of Export documentation
    • Creation of Changesets
    • Postprocessing after import
    • Preprocessing before Export
    • Creation of Baselines

Flexible Data Mapping

  • Mapping using Mapping Profiles and drag and drop
  • Selection of target Artifact type by

    • Enumeration Value in ReqIF
    • Heading or Text

  • Map attributes, enumeration values per target Artifact type

    • Includes Merging (and splitting) of Attribute Values written to string attributes
    • Includes Mapping of different attribute types to string

Product Videos

Short Introduction
First Export as an Customer/OEM
Initial Import as Supplier
Re-Export as Supplier
Update Import as Supplier

Tryout requisis_ReqIF-Manager?
Arrange a demonstration with us and order your free evaluation version today!

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Telephone +49 30 536 506-677
Tollfree (US) 1-844-REQUISI, ext. 677

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10629 Berlin

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