Release Notes

requisis_DSP - Release Notes

Welcome to the release notes page of our requisis_DSP.
Here you'll find detailed documentation of each release, highlighting new features, improvements and bug fixes ensuring you stay informed about the latest functionalities.

Release 1.4.01
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-244Avoid an edge case where a group could cause an exception if DSP is not configured to load missing data from server
DSP-255Fixed a bug where an unknown user/group could cause a null pointer exception in logging.
DSP-256Fixed an issue where missing group information could cause an error, if the loadingMissingDataFromServer feature is disabled
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-179Improve logging: do not loose improper logging from libraries
Release 1.4.00
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-136Improved package collecting for file analysis
DSP-211Avoid false positive while using DSP without certificate during test phase
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-47Better protection of userlist and grouplist
DSP-145Removed dependency for internet ressources in admin web page.
DSP-167Improve protection avoid getting rights on Items via group memberships
DSP-169requisis_DSP writes logs before quitting
DSP-214Improve logging, use names instead ids
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-139Feature added for capturing and retrieving statistics data on admin interface.
DSP-140Admin-Service-Webpage HTML optimized
DSP-157View your requisis_DSP-Config within the Admin-Service-Webpage
DSP-199Logging modifications of access rights on groups
Release 1.3.19
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-184Configurable server name for the instance to display on server admin webpage,
Set parameter serverDisplayNameForAdminPage in
serverDisplayNameForAdminPage=Server Instance XXX
Release 1.3.14
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-180removed obsolte libraries
Release 1.3.11
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-177reduced memory consumption while transmitting big files
Release 1.3.10
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-173Improved package transmission. In a rare case an invalid package was transmitted to DOORS client.
DSP-175Avoid potential Problem for DSP-checks about User with Type=Custom
Release 1.3.09
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-162Copy and paste erlauben, auf Elemente, wenn Leserechte bestehen
DSP-163Better handling if the User itself removes admin rights on an Item: allow writing dependent files.
Release 1.3.03
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-143Improved package handling
DSP-147Fixed Bug with encoding
Release 1.3.02
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-135Avoid error message during creation of new modules, as parent information is not yet available.
Release 1.3.01
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-74Increased stability in case of resent packages.
DSP-132Fix for DataLoadStragety viaFileSystem under linux.
Release 1.3.00
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-107Change of Technology and Design of Admin-Service-Webpage
DSP-116Adding Username/Password Check for Admin-Service-Webpage
Remaining Types
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-109Added function in Admin-Page to save a heap dump to disk.
Release 1.2.01
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-101Improvement of Config-Reload
DSP-128Some config parameters can now be reload over admin interface without restarting DSP. See Administrator Manual for details.
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-121Added Option to load the missing data directly from file system instead of requesting the data from DOORS server.
Remaining Types
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-95Updated all relevant log messages in Administrator Manual
Release 1.2
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-92Bugfix for groups that were not processed by DSP for some specific reason.
DSP-89Allowing Read-Access to foreign user files with obfuscated password, to allow access to user email-address and name.
DSP-100Improved Exception Handling.
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-91Remove of JCS Cache for Items and Groups, increases memory usage, but has better performance.
DSP-50Log Messages moved to the right logfile and optimized the Log Message Text.
DSP-59Added Function for daily log rollover.
DSP-60When a file is purged/deleted from DOORS server, now also the Item-Path is shown in log message.
DSP-105Allowing write access to inlink-files where the user only has read rights, to allow link creation to modules the user has only read access to.
DSP-106Log Messages now only show up either in access.log or debug.log not both.
DSP-110Access to last lines of log files using admin-service:
/showLogs/debug/(no of lines)
/showLogs/access/(no of lines)
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-49Added functions to load required but not already known data directly from DOORS Server, such as ACLs for DOORS-Items, Userlist, User-Files.
DSP-111Show User Idle Time in Admin-Website.
Remaining Types
Ticket-ID Description
DSP-95Updated all relevant log messages in Administrator Manual
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