Release Notes

requisis_ReX - Release Notes

Welcome to the release notes page of our requisis_ReX. Here, you'll find detailed documentation of each release, highlighting new features, improvements and bug fixes ensuring you stay informed about the latest functionalities.

Release 2.16.6
Ticket-ID Description Components
REX-1172fixed a bug that caused only the last module to be exported when using the “more-Export” optionRex
REX-1174Fixed a bug that caused the attachment folder to be deleted during a running export, when not using any ZIP-package optionRex
REX-1175improved metadata structure to better support database migrationjava
REX-1176fixed a bug that caused links in an export with “more option” to be incorrect
Ticket-ID Description Components
REX-1167Improved performance
REX-1171removed unused table from metadata and updated metadata-structurejava, Rex
Release 2.16.5
Ticket-ID Description Components
REX-1063Fixed a bug where some temporary folders where not properly deleted after import and export java, Rex
REX-1170Fixed a bug causing an error in some cases if a DOORS Object has a
Ticket-ID Description Components
REX-1160Removed a workaround for Atego Exerpt where each link was created in their own relation group. Now all links with same source and target are group in the same relation groupjava
Release 2.16.4
Ticket-ID Description Components
REX-1144Fix layout issue importing "nested blockquote" in xhtml in ReqIF filejava, Rex
REX-1145Fix format issue in rtf if nested "ul"/"ol" (bullet list) in xhtml imported from ReqIF filejava, Rex
REX-1164fixed a problem when using old mysql-driver description in configRex
Release 2.16.3
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1052Bugfix for creation script of MySQL database for metadata
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1154Make possible to use MySQL 8
Release 2.16.2
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1110update existing regedit entries, instead of duplicate them
REX-1115reqif file with Byte Order Mark can be imported now
REX-1119The system attribute Last Modified On is now exported as ReX.LastModified.
REX-1120Avoid Error when importing an empty "SPEC-OBJECT"
REX-1131- warn instead of error when truncating string attribute with german DOORS GUI (was already working with english DOORS GUI)
REX-1133Fix SQLite transaction issue
REX-1134enable reqif xsd validation offline
REX-1146Fixed bug empty first cell of table
REX-1147Improved table format
REX-1148Fix export for ReqIf with multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE
REX-1153Improve error message
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1124Add validation of reqif against reqif.xsd.
REX-1126- better recognization of file-extensions and processing
REX-1129Export: Create zip for whole Export is supported by the Export Format requisis_MoRE-HTML.
REX-1130Avoid corrupted metadata if operation fails.
REX-1140- default export format is now reqIF instead of RIF
Release 2.16.1
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1104fixed link import for reqif-files with more then one specification
REX-1109Fixed issue with link on foreign deleted object
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1099fixed error in case you did not select a partner for his-processing
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1067option to import links without defined relation-group in reqif
REX-1108you can now configure attribute to be ignored for the his process. this is done directly in the configuration module (no gui elements)
Release 2.16.0
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1075Make import more robust to tolerate backslashes as path-seperator for objects (attachments) in ReqIF-File.
REX-1084Fixed issues for import with some type definition mappings
REX-1085Store SPEC-TYPES for RIF in database at import for to have data be compatible to result of ReqIF import
REX-1090Improved error handling for DOORS tables that with all cells beeing deleted.
REX-1091added more clear error-message for errors when editing null-objects
REX-1092Checks auf notwendige Attribute wurden eingeführt.
Dies wird aber mittem im Durchlauf geprüft.

Es kommt zu Fehlermeldungen/Warnungen ggf. Abbruch (des HIS Processings) falls Checks fehlschlagen
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1083Avoid aborting import at link creation if a link is broken because of failed import of linked Module
REX-1089Fix issues for multiple SPECIFICATION with specific SPEC-TYPES
Release 2.15.2
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1068Fixed problems with metadata and caching
REX-1096Allow Header for xhtml tables at import
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1055create basic layout for imported tables from ReqIF
Release 2.15.1
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1057Fixed Export of attibutes when not module was not imported before
REX-1058Correct metadata database to accept multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE with same attribute
REX-1059Fix for exporting attributes of type "User Name".
REX-1062Repaired opening User Manual
REX-1064better check for missing value
REX-1065meaningful error message if missing SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE
Release 2.15.0
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1053Updates in english user manual.
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1006Added ability to import ReqIF with multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE in one SPECIFICATION
Release 2.14.4
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1045Fixed a problem with DOORS "Object Identifier" in export view.
REX-1051Truncate 'LONG-NAME' if too long for metadata database
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1049Do not abort for duplicate links in metadata, warn and continue.
Release 2.14.3
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1044Fix for problem with new created identifiers after reimport.
Release 2.14.2
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1042bugfix for null error if unwriteable system attribute in RiF import file
Release 2.14.1
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1025bugfix for missing attributes in object (reqif)
REX-1035Automatic shrinking of too big PNG Images during Import.
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1031Release floating license when closing gui.
New Features
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1026Added New ImportMode "Set ImportDate" to Import GUI.
Remaining Types
Ticket-ID Description
REX-1033More Robustness for ReqIF-Files created by Teamcenter (Asaro).
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