Release Notes
requisis_ReX - Release Notes
Welcome to the release notes page of our requisis_ReX. Here, you'll find detailed documentation of each release, highlighting new features, improvements and bug fixes ensuring you stay informed about the latest functionalities.
Release 2.16.6
Ticket-ID | Description | Components |
REX-1172 | fixed a bug that caused only the last module to be exported when using the “more-Export” option | Rex |
REX-1174 | Fixed a bug that caused the attachment folder to be deleted during a running export, when not using any ZIP-package option | Rex |
REX-1175 | improved metadata structure to better support database migration | java |
REX-1176 | fixed a bug that caused links in an export with “more option” to be incorrect |
Ticket-ID | Description | Components |
REX-1167 | Improved performance | |
REX-1171 | removed unused table from metadata and updated metadata-structure | java, Rex |
Release 2.16.5
Ticket-ID | Description | Components |
REX-1063 | Fixed a bug where some temporary folders where not properly deleted after import and export | java, Rex |
REX-1170 | Fixed a bug causing an error in some cases if a DOORS Object has a Picture. | java |
Ticket-ID | Description | Components |
REX-1160 | Removed a workaround for Atego Exerpt where each link was created in their own relation group. Now all links with same source and target are group in the same relation group | java |
Release 2.16.4
Ticket-ID | Description | Components |
REX-1144 | Fix layout issue importing "nested blockquote" in xhtml in ReqIF file | java, Rex |
REX-1145 | Fix format issue in rtf if nested "ul"/"ol" (bullet list) in xhtml imported from ReqIF file | java, Rex |
REX-1164 | fixed a problem when using old mysql-driver description in config | Rex |
Release 2.16.3
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1052 | Bugfix for creation script of MySQL database for metadata |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1154 | Make possible to use MySQL 8 |
Release 2.16.2
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1110 | update existing regedit entries, instead of duplicate them |
REX-1115 | reqif file with Byte Order Mark can be imported now |
REX-1119 | The system attribute Last Modified On is now exported as ReX.LastModified. |
REX-1120 | Avoid Error when importing an empty "SPEC-OBJECT" |
REX-1131 | - warn instead of error when truncating string attribute with german DOORS GUI (was already working with english DOORS GUI) |
REX-1133 | Fix SQLite transaction issue |
REX-1134 | enable reqif xsd validation offline |
REX-1146 | Fixed bug empty first cell of table |
REX-1147 | Improved table format |
REX-1148 | Fix export for ReqIf with multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE |
REX-1153 | Improve error message |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1124 | Add validation of reqif against reqif.xsd. |
REX-1126 | - better recognization of file-extensions and processing |
REX-1129 | Export: Create zip for whole Export is supported by the Export Format requisis_MoRE-HTML. |
REX-1130 | Avoid corrupted metadata if operation fails. |
REX-1140 | - default export format is now reqIF instead of RIF |
Release 2.16.1
New Features
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1104 | fixed link import for reqif-files with more then one specification |
REX-1109 | Fixed issue with link on foreign deleted object |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1099 | fixed error in case you did not select a partner for his-processing |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1067 | option to import links without defined relation-group in reqif |
REX-1108 | you can now configure attribute to be ignored for the his process. this is done directly in the configuration module (no gui elements) |
Release 2.16.0
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1075 | Make import more robust to tolerate backslashes as path-seperator for objects (attachments) in ReqIF-File. |
REX-1084 | Fixed issues for import with some type definition mappings |
REX-1085 | Store SPEC-TYPES for RIF in database at import for to have data be compatible to result of ReqIF import |
REX-1090 | Improved error handling for DOORS tables that with all cells beeing deleted. |
REX-1091 | added more clear error-message for errors when editing null-objects |
REX-1092 | Checks auf notwendige Attribute wurden eingeführt. Dies wird aber mittem im Durchlauf geprüft. Es kommt zu Fehlermeldungen/Warnungen ggf. Abbruch (des HIS Processings) falls Checks fehlschlagen |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1083 | Avoid aborting import at link creation if a link is broken because of failed import of linked Module |
REX-1089 | Fix issues for multiple SPECIFICATION with specific SPEC-TYPES |
Release 2.15.2
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1068 | Fixed problems with metadata and caching |
REX-1096 | Allow Header for xhtml tables at import |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1055 | create basic layout for imported tables from ReqIF |
Release 2.15.1
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1057 | Fixed Export of attibutes when not module was not imported before |
REX-1058 | Correct metadata database to accept multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE with same attribute |
REX-1059 | Fix for exporting attributes of type "User Name". |
REX-1062 | Repaired opening User Manual |
REX-1064 | better check for missing value |
REX-1065 | meaningful error message if missing SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE |
Release 2.15.0
New Features
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1053 | Updates in english user manual. |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1006 | Added ability to import ReqIF with multiple SPEC-OBJECT-TYPE in one SPECIFICATION |
Release 2.14.4
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1045 | Fixed a problem with DOORS "Object Identifier" in export view. |
REX-1051 | Truncate 'LONG-NAME' if too long for metadata database |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1049 | Do not abort for duplicate links in metadata, warn and continue. |
Release 2.14.3
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1044 | Fix for problem with new created identifiers after reimport. |
Release 2.14.2
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1042 | bugfix for null error if unwriteable system attribute in RiF import file |
Release 2.14.1
New Features
Remaining Types
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1025 | bugfix for missing attributes in object (reqif) |
REX-1035 | Automatic shrinking of too big PNG Images during Import. |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1031 | Release floating license when closing gui. |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1026 | Added New ImportMode "Set ImportDate" to Import GUI. |
Ticket-ID | Description |
REX-1033 | More Robustness for ReqIF-Files created by Teamcenter (Asaro). |